Monday, March 31, 2008

More about K. Rudd

K.Rudd was Beijing’s choice, groomed
from Uni days to be our ruler.
He rules – they loot: our minerals, gas & oil.
Many ask: ‘where’d the ALP & ACTU get
The $ 200 million they allegedly spent on the
24.11.07 Federal election?’ Answer: the
Chinese Embassy, Canberra. We’ve had
Foreign ‘agents’ as PM’s in the past – from
Anglophile Menzies to Harold Holt’s ‘All
The Way with LBJ’ – but few have been
‘moles’ of a hostile, alien power. Under
K.RUDD our sovereignty will cease.
Australia will become a province of the
New Chinese Empire.
You can change this. Many voted AGAINST
Howard’s unjust. I.R.laws. Few voted FOR
K.RUDD. In the words of Bill Hayden ‘a
Drovers dog could have lead the ALP to
Victory’. We have three years in which to
build a true Nationalist Party to confront the
corrupt Liberals, Nats and Labor. We urge
ALL anti-System forces to combine. Put
aside past animosities. This may be our last
gasp. K.RUDD & his ALP-Gang
–(see them on)-:

promised so much but now say they can’t
deliver. Duh! Feel you’ve been fooled, again?
Voted K.RUDD and now regret it? Don’t
worry-contact ANA for more information!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

ALPaedophile Milton Orkopoulos

From "wenn", March 08, Issue 106, Pg. 11,- The Tree of Knowledge - by Bernie Neville:

"A court in New South Wales has been told that former ALP government minister Milton Orkopoulos used drugs to lure and trap young boys into having sex with him. Orkopolous is standing trial in NSW on 34 child sex and drug charges and the possession of child pornography. The Premier, Morris Lemma demanded the resignation of Orkopolous and has conceded that the seriousness of the charges has left him with no other course of action. It is not only the Orkopolous affair that lemma has to face, but also the sex scandal which has seen at least three of his ministers drawn into the sex and money deals with property developers and Wollongong town planner Beth Morgan".

Read "He laughed. when a youth, he was allegedly sexually assaulting, threatended to go public" on:,23599,23284257-421,00.html?from=public_rss